Showing 4 Result(s)

St. Kitts & Nevis

I try very hard to visit the Caribbean Sea once a year. Whether that’s going to the Bahamas for the 100th time (I love the Bahamas) or heading further south to explore a new country! I love the Caribbean so much because it is easy to get to from the states, the water is crystal clear and I love all the different island cultures! October 2019 we were once again headed to the Caribbean, but this time it was to the gorgeous islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. To be honest, I didn’t know a whole lot about these islands …


Getting a tan in Fiji

Our final leg of this amazing trip was FIJI! I cut a day off both Australia and New Zealand to be able to squeeze in Fiji. I mean why not! We were in the same time zone and it was only a three hour flight away! Adam surprisingly agreed and we were off! We flew Air New Zealand to Fiji and let me tell you our experience was quite different the second time around. First off let me start by saying I DO NOT CHECK BAGS – EVER. I pack in a carry-on everywhere I go. Even to Australia. It’s …


Turning 30 in New Zealand

The second leg of our trip was off to Auckland, New Zealand. We flew from Sydney to Aukland on Air New Zealand and we chose the late flight to maximize our time! We stayed at a nearby airport hotel the first night called Naumi Auckland Airport Hotel. It was super affordable and very nice! For the rest of our time in New Zealand we stayed in an Airbnb a little outside the city. We were so impressed by the house and the view but I will say if we had to do it again we might chose to stay a …


Let’s spend 72 hours in Ireland☘️

A lot of people may think that traveling with their mother might be lame and most of her friends are always so surprised that her 29 year old daughter wants to travel across the world with her mother and PAY her own way but we are special. This isn’t our first mother-daughter trip either. We love traveling to new places and throwing a run in the mix makes it that much more fun! I started running back in 2012. It’s been an amazing outlet and I am so thankful it’s something I can share with my mom.  Flying to Dublin …