Showing 13 Result(s)

Zermatt, Switzerland

Zermatt is probably the prettiest place I have ever been! I really wish we could have spent a lot more time here! Our stop in Zermatt was a part of our quick change trip that was originally Paris, but because of the protests and riots back in December 2019 we decided to pivot to Milan and Zermatt! The view was absolutely incredible and definitely a check off the bucket list. Our number one disappointment is that we didn’t bring our ski clothes! We both were kicking ourselves and now for sure need to go back to ski! We were completely …


48 Hours in Milan

Everyone says that Milan was their least favorite spot on their Italian vacation so I decided that I would make Milan my first and only Italian stop on this trip to Europe. I have never been to Italy before and of course I was dying to go but I wasn’t entirely sure what this specific trip would consist of. We had already booked our flights from the states to Frankfurt, Germany for our New Years vacation. {hint: always look at surrounding airports and alternative routes to find your best flights. We ended up flying from Lubbock, Texas connecting in Dallas …


Getting engaged in Australia

For my 30th birthday last year, I decided we needed to plan an epic birthday trip! When I started my research, I wasn’t quite sure what our travels plans would be but I knew they would take us to Australia! Well, and of course if you travel 15+ hours and cross the international date line, then we had to include New Zealand too. After vigorous research and planning, I realized just how close Fiji is to New Zealand and so we had to add that one in there as well! We are 100% beach people and if the opportunity to …